$25 $12.50
These Ayurvedic tablets are typically used to strengthen digestion and the respiratory system and reduce fevers and skin problems. It has many anti-aging properties and also promotes healthy hair growth. It balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and rejuvenates the entire body. Other names: Abhrak Bhasma Ingredients Updated ingredients coming soon!
$20 $10
Annabhedi Sinduram Capsules are used to relieve dizziness, detoxify the blood, and support the healing of digestion problems and anemia. They can also regulate an irregular menstrual cycle and increase physical strength. These capsules balance both Vata and Pitta Dosha. Ingredients Updated ingredients coming soon!
$9.99 $5
Kalyana Ksharam balances both vata and kapha dosha, the main ingredient castor helps support constipation, bloating, urinary disorders, and piles. This herb is an effective carminative and has diuretic properties. Other names: Kalyana Kshara Ingredients Updated ingredients coming soon!
$20 $10
Very efficacious in anaemia, dyspepsia, stomach-ache and irregular menstruation.
$20 $10
Lohasinduram (7) Capsules balances Vata and Pitta Dosha. Supports cooling and strengthening of the body.
$25 $12.50
Pravala Bhasmam Capsules are used to support the treatment of excess sweating, asthma and bleeding disorders. They balances Vata Dosha and improve physical strength, eyesight, immunity, digestion and skin complexion. Other names: Praval Bhasmam Capsules Ingredients Updated ingredients coming soon!
$22 $11
Sankha Bhasmam Capsules are a cooling herbal formula used for the Ayurvedic treatment of gastritis, abdominal pain, and malabsorption syndrome. They balance Vata Dosha and act as a rich source of calcium for children, adolescents, post-menopausal women, and in cases of osteoporosis. Ingredients Updated ingredients coming soon!
$175 $87.50
Swarna Bhasmam Capsules are used for the Ayurvedic treatment of infertility, asthma, tissue depletion and poisoning, along with many other health problems. It is made with gold and balances all three of the Doshas. Ingredients Updated ingredients coming soon!
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