Amritamehari Churnam Online Sale
$5.75The main herbs are amrita and madhunashini which balances kapha dosha, helps lower high blood sugar, and supports the pancreas. Other names:Â Amritamehari Choornam Ingredients
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The main herbs are amrita and madhunashini which balances kapha dosha, helps lower high blood sugar, and supports the pancreas. Other names:Â Amritamehari Choornam Ingredients
Ashta Churnam balances vata and pitta dosha and the main herb hing supports appetite and digestion, while calming bloating and gas. Other names:Â Ashta Choornam Ingredients
The main ingredient is trivrut which balances both pitta and kapha dosha, helps improve appetite and digestion, removes ama from the gut, and excess acidity from the liver. Container Size:- 50 gms Ingredients
The main herbs chitraka and haritaki balance kapha and pitta dosha, support digestive fire, removes ama from the stomach, and is useful for cleansing. Container Size:- 50 gms
Dadimashtaka Churnam balances both vata and kapha dosha and the main herb dadima which is pomegranate helps improve appetite, indigestion and loose stool. Bottle contains 50gm. Other names:Â Dadimashtaka Choornam
Dasanakanti is an herbal tooth powder that supports the mouth, teeth and gums. The main herb Arimeda balances kapha dosha, calms swelling and inflammation, and supports healthy teeth and breath. Other names: Dasanakanti Choornam & Dasanakanti Churnam Ingredients
Eladi Churnam reduces excess pitta and kapha dosha, the main herb ela (cardamom) helps support a healthy complexion, skin allergies, bug bites, calms itching, redness, and swelling.
The main herb Guggulu balances pitta and kapha dosha. When used externally this churnam soothes and supports skin and the anal area, and when taken internally supports swelling and inflammation. Container Size:- 50 gms
Haridrakhandam helps balance all three doshas. The main herb turmeric supports a healthy immune and respiratory system, helps remove the accumulated ama and congestion from the body. Useful for itchy skin and runny nose caused by allergy. Ingredients 1. Khanda – Saccharum officinarum   2. Haridra – Curcuma longa   3. Havisha – Ghee  …
The main herb hing balances pitta and kapha dosha, supports digestive fire, calms gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. Other names:Â Hinguvachadi Choornam Container Size:- 50 gms Ingredients Updated ingredients coming soon!
Jatamayadi Churnam is used topically to help lower excess vata and Kapha dosha. It supports swollen, inflamed, and painful joints. Other names:Â Jatamayadi Choornam Ingredients
The main herbs are ginger and vacha and is mainly for kapha dosha, its hot potency helps to lower swelling and inflammation in the joints. This is product is for external application only. Other names:Â Kottamchukkadi Choornam Ingredients
Nimbaharidradi Churnam balances all three doshas, the main herbs neem and turmeric support skin health, calms itching, inflammation, oozing, and improves complexion. Dosage: Adults take 1 2 – 1 tsp. twice a day mixed with hot water. Other names: Nimbaharidradi Choornam Ingredients Updated ingredients coming soon!
The main herb turmeric helps balance all three doshas. Rajanyadi supports many health issues including indigestion, loose stool, high temperature, and immunity. Container Size:- 50 gms
The main herb Rasnadi balances both vata and kapha dosha, helps expel kapha mucus from the nasal area while calming congested nasal pain. Other names:Â Rasnadi Choornam Ingredients
Saraswata Churnam helps balance vata and kapha dosha. The main herb Vacha (Acorus calamus) helps support healthy brain and nerve function, concentration, energy, and speech. Container Size:- 50 gms
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