Agastya Rasayanam contains the herb haritaki and helps balance kapha dosha, supports the respiratory system and healthy heart, helps remove excess mucus and eases breathing. Other names: Agastya Hareetaki Rasayana, Agastya Haritaki Rasayana, Agastya Rasayana Ingredients
Brahma Rasayanam contains the herbal formula dasamula (ten roots), which balances vata dosha, nourishes the nervous system and brain, and helps improve memory and sleep. And most importantly, it helps lift the spirit while reducing the effects of stress. Ingredients
Chyavanaprasam balances all three doshas, especially kapha dosha, the main herb amalaki rejuvenates all 7 dhatus (body tissues), supports cardiac and respiratory health, promotes healthy weight, skin, and hair. Other names:Â Chyavanprash Ingredients
Dantiharithaki Leham balances pitta and vata dosha, the main herbs are haritaki and danti, removes ama from the liver and spleen, mildly improves bowel movements, and reduces swelling due to kleda and inflammation. Ingredients
Dasamula Rasayanam contains the dasamula (ten roots) which helps balance vata and kapha dosha, supports respiratory system by reducing excess mucus, helps lower inflammation from joints, and supports healthy muscles and nerves. Ingredients
Dasamulaharitaki Leham balances vata and kapha dosha, the main herbs are dasamula and haritaki which helps reduce swelling and inflammation of the joints, remove ama from the liver, and promotes healthy bowel movements. Other names:Â Dashamoolaharitaki Leham Ingredients
Narasimha Rasayanam balances all three doshas, the main herb khadira helps rejuvenate all 7 dhatus (body tissues), and supports healthy weight, skin, hair and nails. Its antiaging properties help improve muscle strength, brain power, and promote general overall wellness. Ingredients
Parushakadi Leham contains the herb Parushaka which balances pitta dosha, helps lower stomach acid and burning sensation, and balance agni or digestive fire.
Punarnava Manduram balances both kapha and pitta dosha, the main herb is punarnava and also contains iron, supports healthy blood, removes ama from the liver and spleen, improves digestion and promotes healthy bowel movements, reduces swelling and inflammation. Other names:Â Punarnava Mandooram Ingredients
Samskrithamadhu is Ayurvedic honey that contains ginger. It helps balance kapha dosha and supports a healthy weight while still getting sweetness in your daily life.
Shatavarigulam contains the herb shatavari which balances both pitta and vata dosha, supports female reproductive system, balances female hormones, and lowers fatigue and tiredness. Ingredients
Sukumara Leham balances vata and pitta dosha, the main ingredients are dashamula and punarnava, supports female reproductive health, helps healthy bowel movements, appetite and digestion. Other names:Â Sukumara Lehyam Ingredients
Trivril Leham balances both pitta and vata dosha, the main herb is trivrit which supports healthy bowel movements, helps to remove ama from the liver and digestive tract. Ingredients